Examine Vaginal Odor - What to Do About Vaginal Odor? additional

If a strong or foul odor is what you are noticing in the vagina, you need to get an internal examination done immediately. And in case your doctor rules out infection because of foreign bodies, you may take natural supplements/ vitamins to cure problems from the inside. Perfumed products must not be used internally at all and douching must also be avoided as that may disrupt pH of vagina causing worse odor. Douches are also not recommended. Many people often wonder 'what to do about vaginal odor'.

In case your vagina gives Godzilla's breath like smell, it is not only embarrassing but is a cause of concern also. It may be indicating some infection (bacterial/ viral/ yeast). Change in color or odor or amount of discharge must be informed to doctor immediately.

Although it is very embarrassing but there is big number of woman who need to deal with it at one or other phase of life. Although a little smell is always there in vagina but that is perfectly normal. There is no need to be concerned about that. But if you notice any change in odor, then it needs your attention and medical assessment.

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A transition in vaginal smell might suggest a medical issue. It could be bacterial infection creating fishy smell or maybe STD (sexually transmitted infection) or simple yeast infection. These may change natural smell that comes from vaginal discharge. Now question is what to do about vaginal odor?

• You may overcome it using good hygiene. We get little stinky at times and cleanliness puts a great impact not only on vaginal odor but also on body odor. It is not only important for sexual living but in addition any personal odor can lower your self-confidence levels. Cleansers that are scented or harsh body soaps must not be used when you want to know 'what to do with vaginal odor'. Plain soap without moisturizers/scents/ dyes/ flower chunks/ scrubby material, just nothing. Loose cotton clothes must be worn and any synthetic type material thongs are not healthy choices. In fact, they may contribute to problem as they are airtight. Douches may be used to control but they must be used with care as there have been instances when douching has increased the problem rather than solving it. Healthy vagina would certainly mean healthy odor.

• You must eat right food; avoid fast foods as they make people stink. You must exercise regularly so that blood circulation improves and fresh air moves in the body. Condoms must be used while having sex as that would prevent spreading the disease/ infection. Visit your gynecologist regularly and ask what to do with vaginal odor.

• Yogurt infuses 'good bacteria' in your diet so add it to your food.

• Panty liners help by absorbing discharge and mask the embarrassing smells and are lightweight, cheap, easy to use and comfortable also.


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Vaginal Odor - What to Do About Vaginal Odor?