There is no easy way to tell someone that they are giving off a malodorous smell so most of the time you are with that person you just try to deal with it until the person is no longer around you then you can breath a sigh of relief. But, what if that person giving off the pungent aroma happens to be your friend, then what do you do?
The fact that it is your friend makes it not only more difficult to tell them, but you also run the risk of ruining the friendship if for no other reason than embarrassment. As you try to work up the courage to tell your friend you realize that they are around other people at the moment and may be starting to be talked about by people who aren't their friend. So it is necessary for you to say something as soon as possible.
I had this experience not long ago when a friend of mine was put on a new type of medication that she hadn't been used to taking before. Although the medication did what it was supposed to do within her body taking care of the symptoms that brought her to be need medication in the first place, it made a chemical reaction with her body oils causing them to emit a strange odor. When I first smelled it I thought there were sheep close by until I realized that the smell was coming from my friend. I have to admit that I really didn't know what to do at that moment, and I still couldn't believe that she couldn't smell it herself.
To keep her from becoming embarrassed I had to do something quickly so I commented that I thought she had brushed against something and gotten something on her blouse. I mentioned that I had smelled a strange odor coming from her direction and it possible may be something that she had come in contact with. That is a chicken way to do it, but I didn't want to lose her as a friend so I had to be as tactful as I could be. She went into a restroom to check her blouse for something that may have spilled on it, finding nothing she returned. Now with the smell subject open I could easily, but awkwardly, tell her.
Finally I said that I still smelled that smell and I think it is coming from her. There was no other way but to jump right into it. I asked if her diet had changed, or if something else had changed that could be the cause. It was then that she mentioned the medication change. She called her doctor and sure enough the smell was one of the side effects of the medication. Her doctor switched her to another medicine and the odor problem cleared up. I feel that had I not acted to let my friend know about the smell she would have been embarrassed in front of her co-workers and that may have had a lasting effect on her feeling about working in that company.
If you are a friend to someone it is up to you to look out for him or her if there is something happening that is detrimental to his or her reputation and/or well being. You would appreciate it if they looked out for you and kept you from being embarrassed so you need to do the same for them. Even though it is awkward, it still has to be done.
OdorBob Crane is the author of [] a place where you can find what you need to look and feel great all day long.