Study The True Cause of Odor Problems much more

Odor Problems are caused by the Normal Stuff of Life.

Kittens and puppies don't arrive in homes housetrained. Mold and mildew like to grow in damp, dark places. Food spoils inside refrigerators. Garbage and other disagreeable things accumulate in floor-mounted heating ducts. Not everyone hits the proper target in the bathroom. In other words, unpleasant odors can take over small areas, large rooms or entire houses.

Removing Odors is Simple

Understanding the source of your odor problems is the key to solving it. The offensive smells you associate with odor are almost always gases released from their sources.

Solve Your Urine Odor Problems

For instance, as urine dries it produces ammonia gas and urea salt among other things. The ammonia gas is what we smell at first, but when this urea salt becomes damp again, it reacts with its surroundings and produces a gas called mercaptan. This gas is the smell you associate with urine contamination. To solve a urine contamination, the urea salt that will dissolve in water needs to removed and the rest neutralized so there is no gas. If both of these processes do not occur, the contaminated area will become larger and more deeply imbedded in the cracks and pours of the carpet andflooring. And the source of the gas and the offensive smell will remain. Urine splash around the toilet causes an odor problem if left to dry as just described. So to get rid of the odor problem, wash the splashed area and spray it with an effective odor eliminator

Solve Odor Problems caused by Mold

With mold and mildew, the actual mold spots and spores that float around the area cause the musty smell. But water invading a dark space is the actual cause of the mold and mildew. Thus solving the odor problem involves stopping the source of the water invasion, then removing the mold, mildew and spores.

Refrigerator Odor Problems

Mold can also gather on food forgotten about in the corners of refrigerators or on food left to spoil in turned off units. This mold and other foul-smelling bacteria infect the entire internal atmosphere of the refrigerator. Simply discarding the food and ventilating the refrigerator is not enough. Every part of the interior, such as the shelf mounting brackets and the door gaskets, needs to be treated to eradicate the source of the odor problems in the refrigerator and thus the odor problem itself.

Other Household Odor Problems

Another source of offensive odors comes from trash, food, urine and other materials that find their way into the duct work. Worse, these odors are then transferred into your breathing air by the heated or cooled air flowing through the ducts. Cleaning the ducts is thus essential, and cleaning out the joints in the ducts is critical. The joints contain much of the material causing the smell, so everything, including the grates, needs to be cleaned and sprayed with an effective odor eliminator

Most serious odor sources take weeks, months or years to accumulate. So, expecting to squirt some magic chemical mixture at the contaminated area one time and vanquish the odor problem is not a realistic. It takes a combination of time, effort and the right product to eliminate the odor problem. You have to provide the time and effort and use the right product.

Odor emilimation products that work do so because they treat the source of the problem rather than masking the smell by introducing a new, more pleasant odor with sprays or candles. Another ineffective odor solution desensitizes the olfactory senses to prevent any odor from being perceived. Effective odor removers will bond with the odor atoms or absorb the smelly gases. There are some odor removers that work by combining these two techniques.

In summary, to solve odor problems, you must first treat the source. Find an odor remover that is capable of solving most organic odors permanently and you will be rid of the true cause of odor problems.

To learn more about The True Cause of Odor Problems, visit our web site. Thank you Martin R Meyer Please visit the OdorXit's web site

The True Cause of Odor Problems

Odor Eliminator